I confess to Almighty God..... that I have sinned through my own fault.... in my words....
This is part of the liturgical confession. A couple of days ago I was inside at a line of a fast-food establishment for a carry-out order (my reason will be explained in my confession). It was lunch time and the line moved slowly because only one register was open. Those in front of me were a group of senior citizens who did not have the "gift" of ordering quickly (or, seemingly, even understanding what the options were) – not conducive for my patience. My "irritation button"was getting primed.
When I was (finally!) able to place my order, it was for me, my son and two grandchildren. The bags were being filled with my order before my eyes, and as the employee presented it I noticed that one sandwich had been omitted. I called her attention to this as the manager happened to walk up and added, "I came inside for my carry-out order because you guys always leave something out." Nothing like a barbed, poor-me quip to release my impatient frustrations....
Except it didn't relieve anything; the manager's response made it clear that my words had wounded. I left feeling awful because I had not exhibited those fruits of the Spirit called patience and kindness. What a paltry thing to cause disgruntlement.... How easily we (I) lapse into a selfish spirit. I so badly need to be saved – totally converted, so that I am like Jesus. Salvation begun is not salvation accomplished until we are transformed to be like our Lord.
And so I say yet again, I confess to Almighty God..... that I have sinned through my own fault.... in my words....
My ongoing prayer is, "Father, make me holy," and so, pray for me to the Lord our God.